Over 2200 leads for $1,5 to the courses on online ad setup

Received over 2,200 leads at up to $2 for Instagram and Facebook ad setup courses. Regular launches every 15 days in a highly competitive niche.


More about the project

  1. Objective – attracting participants to a free workshop on ad setup on Facebook and Instagram with the cost per lead up to $2 for a participant
  2. Frequency of workshops: once in 10-14 days
  3. The workshop is followed by the main product sale – the $400 course and related products

Initial data

  1. The instructor is far from being a novice in training; he has successfully launched contextual advertising courses several times so far.
  2. One workshop launch budget is $900-1200.
  3. The target audience map, developed by the client and based on the previous workshops.
  4. Very strong competition in the advertising training niche.
  5. Everything that remains outside social media was already working on the basis of the previous courses: landing, call to action, payment processing, the course platform. Landing contained the customer persona, their pains, reviews were added, as well as the instructor’s and lead forms expertise (see the sample landing pages below).

Facebook, Instagram

First, the competitors’ advertising analytics were done with the help of the Facebook Ad Library.

The audiences (ad groups) were selected based on the client’s mind map. I won’t mention the specific interests chosen in the ad categories, I better describe them in clear words:

  1. Stay-at-home moms
  2. People interested in Internet marketing
  3. People interested in freelance, self-employment and remote work
  4. People interested in startup topics
  5. People learning to run a business
  6. Distance business education professionals (setup through narrowing down the audience)
  7. Entrepreneurs and business owners
  8. Wide audience (all the above mentioned interests + a bit more)

We considered only metropolises, because the main product price is quite high. The audience age was 25-55 years old. Separately for females, we set up the audience of women on maternity leave.

Testing process

  1. We worked with the conversion purposes. For these purposes we installed a pixel on the workshop’s landing and set up the conversion tracking. At the first stage we collected e-mail addresses, which already meant conversion; at the second stage we collected phone numbers.
  2. Before the start of work all the pixel events had been tested, because there was no time for error elimination.
  3. We created 2 campaigns, 8 above-mentioned ad groups (audiences) each, with at least 4 ads with a different visual and call to action in each ad group. The campaigns had different placements. One of them used the Facebook feed, the other one used the Instagram feed and stories.
  4. The allocated daily cost of each campaign was $27, total daily costs were $54.

Warm audiences reacted to the ads very well, and the starting price for the workshop registration was 30 cents.

The average Instagram conversion cost was $1,5 which fully fit into the target cost of up to $2.

The results on Facebook were incomparable in cost with Instagram and started from $2, so the campaign with this placement was removed.

Immediately after receiving the first data, the task was to expand the audiences and increase the daily budget up to $93-133.


The best results were shown by the ads with the instructor’s face or with the animated Garold hiding his pain, as well as the following three advertising texts:


Want to make your Instagram and Facebook ads effective?

📌 If you hire an ad setup specialist, but have no idea how the social media advertising works, you won’t be able to evaluate the quality of work. 💯 

It’s 100% true, and that’s exactly why a lot of entrepreneurs waste the budget away.

🔥 Want to understand how the Instagram and Facebook advertising works, or even do the right setup on your own?

Then click the banner under the photo and register for a free workshop from the Internet marketer with over 7 years’ experience. Find out what affects the ad effectiveness and how to run a profitable ad on Facebook and Instagram✅ 


Want to get clients from Facebook and Instagram?

✅ Find out how to launch an ad step by step in a concise way!

Only the most valuable information, from Facebook Ads Manager overview to conversion tracking system installation.

You will learn 👇 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
▪ Which ad purpose will be most effective
▪ How to choose the most profitable ad space
▪ How not to waste away the ad budget in a matter of hours
▪ Why the moderation won’t allow ads to be displayed
▪ How to create cool ads
▪ And so much more

Come to a free workshop and learn to run profitable ads on Facebook and Instagram. Click the banner under the photo💯


📌 Want to correctly set up ads on Facebook and Instagram, but don’t want to listen to a windbag for 90 minutes?

Find out how to do a step-by-step ad run on Facebook and Instagram without excess information😎

✅ From Facebook Ads Manager overview to conversion tracking system installation. You will learn:

• Which ad purpose will be most effective • How to choose the most profitable ad space
• How not to waste away the ad budget in a matter of hours • Why the moderation won’t allow ads to be displayed
• How to create cool ads
• And so much more!

Click the banner under the photo and come to a free 4-day workshop, and learn to run profitable ads on Facebook and Instagram.

During the remaining week before the workshop the results leveled off, and the registrations for the workshop came at the price of approximately $1,5. And this means that the initial goal is almost achieved.

The conversion rate for the first launch of the free workshop was 30%, the main product costs about $400, the first launch costs paid off. Consequently, we continued our work on the optimization of ads and the workshop itself.

After the first launch:

1. We gathered the retarget audiences (who engaged with the ads, and who visited the site without registering for the workshop), and created the audience look-a-like on the basis of them.
2. We set up the related product ads at a low price for those who had registered for the workshop (the marketer’s set with all sorts of useful information)
3. We set up the ads with a reminder of the opportunity to get a paid hometask check and a recorded version of the workshop.
4. We added the ads with a reminder of a time-limited main product discount (on the final workshop day)

The results

Spent on 4 launches: $3600
Leads received: 2 254
Cost per lead: $1,5
Conversion rate: 35-37%

Naturally, the launches lead to profit, which is why they were done repeatedly.

The profit is not disclosed due to the NDA.