330+ applications to the ballet school LilBallerine in Saint Petersburg

Immediately after the opening of the school, the seasonal enrollment is completely closed. Received more than 330 target price applications from Instagram and Facebook.



Applications for a free trial lesson for a newly opened school at the lowest price through advertising on Facebook and Instagram.

Initial Data

  • The school opened a week before the launch of the advertising campaign.
  • The estimated CPL (cost per lead) was unknown, because there had been no advertising before. We set the maximum CPL at $13.
  • Target audience: women aged 23-45 with kids
  • Geography: Saint Petersburg, Moskovsky District and some parts of the neighbouring districts that had no LilBallerine branches yet
  • Target audience size: based on the specified georgaphy, the women audience likely having kids is approximatelty 250 000
  • Target audience income: solvent, likely to have above-average income
  • A lot of competing dancing schools as well as other kids clubs in general

Facebook and Instagram

We chose 2 main goals for the advertising campaign – conversion and lead generation. For lead generation we used an application form where parents left their name and phone number in order to register for the first lesson.

For the conversion purposes we used a quiz with a series of questions aimed at finding out some information about the child and collecting the contact details.

As a result it was the quiz that showed the best CPL to the trial lesson application.


The best ad turned out to be the one with a group of girls in the first picture (see below), followed by a carousel of other photos:

And also the video of some girls at the lesson:

Detailed Targeting

Ad group settings can be divided into BEFORE and AFTER the audience burnout on Facebook and Instagram. At the beginning of work we used a more detailed targeting (naturally narrowed down by gender, age and geography) in the following ad groups:

1. Interests: Primary education, Preschool, Kids, Kindergarten, Preschool education, Childcare or Primary school

2. Look-a-like of the audience that has engaged with the Instagram account in the past 180 days

3. Interests: Ballet dancer, Choreography, Dance academy, Ballet, Dancing school, Dancing or Classical dance, narrowed down by interests: Parenting, Kindergarten, Parents, Childcare, Child or Family

4. Look-a-like of those who filled out the application form (collected a bit later)

5. Marital status: married

6. Parents: Parents (All), Parents of preschoolers (3–5 years old), Parents of primary school children (6-8 years old) or Parents of preteens (9–12 years old)

7. Interests: Toys, LEGO, Children’s wear, My Little Pony, Teddy bear, Stuffed toy, Minions, Masha and the Bear, or Zootropolis

Closer to the summer season the CPL skyrocketed + the display to the Instagram audience went on the second and sometimes even the third round.

Thereby, we had to substantially expand the detailed targeting settings. Only 3 parameters of settings remained: geography, female and aged 20-45. Such settings allowed us to keep the KPI high even during the summer months because of the ad display optimization.

The final result

Spent $2973
Received 337 applications for the first lesson (144 leads through the application forms and 193 through the quiz)
Average order value (AOV) $9

The original goal was achieved – filling the new school with students. Besides, a stable influx of new students is maintained despite the seasonality and audience burnout.


Seasonality as well as brand awareness and positioning are really important for such projects. A good number of applications can be achieved through the chain recognition even in a highly competitive city.

However, high competition in advertising implies constant work with different traffic sources, be it social media or contextual advertising. It also leads to quite a high cost per coversion compared to the regions, as well as constant testing of different approaches to lead generation.